A community of innovative people from different parts of CERN gathered during IdeaSquare Open Doors last February, to showcase and share the prototypes related to their work, which were developed at the space.
Trusting there is an interest in further exchanges of this nature, IdeaSquare wants to support the creation of a network of people prototyping at CERN. To kick-off this initiative we invite you to a presentation, networking, and lunch session on 22 June at 12:00 at IdeaSquare. The format of the session will include 5-minute pitches of the prototypes that have been developed at IdeaSquare, and new proposals or ideas, followed by lunch.
The main goal of this session is to harvest and share knowledge in the room, and perhaps trigger new collaborations or simply gain support of the network in the challenges at hand. It is also a great opportunity to learn more about the different prototypes that people at CERN are working on or are interested in pursuing.