Lattice simulations of strong interactions (LQCD) have entered an era where precision plays a crucial role: in order to shed light on possible violations of the Standard Model the aim is to reach percent or sub-percent precision level. To attain such precision, isospin breaking effects must be accounted for in the measurements of numerous hadronic observables, including meson masses and the hadronic correction to muon g-2. These effects do not come only from the difference in mass of the light quarks but also from the difference in their electric charges, for this reason the coupling of LQCD to electrodynamics (QED) has to be investigated.
The RC collaboration has developed a code that incorporates QED through C boundary conditions in space, an approach that preserves locality, translational invariance and gauge invariance at all stages of the calculation. During my talk, I will explain the formalism of C* boundary conditions, present the ensembles generated by our collaboration, and discuss the results obtained from the measurement of observables.