25–28 Sept 2023
Imperial College London
Europe/London timezone

BDT for tau identification in the ATLAS Level-1 trigger

25 Sept 2023, 17:55
Blackett Laboratory, Lecture Theatre 1 (Imperial College London)

Blackett Laboratory, Lecture Theatre 1

Imperial College London

Blackett Laboratory
Lightning Talk Contributed Talks Contributed Talks


David Reikher (Tel Aviv University (IL))


BDTs are simple yet powerful ML algorithms with performance often at par with cutting-edge NN-based models. The structure of BDTs allows for a highly parallelized, low-latency implementation in FPGAs. I will describe the development and implementation of a BDT-based algorithm for tau lepton identification in the ATLAS Level-1 trigger system as part of the phase-I upgrade, designed to be integrated into existing firmware written in VHDL along with some practical lessons learned along the way.


David Reikher (Tel Aviv University (IL))

Presentation materials