30 June 2024 to 4 July 2024
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Spatially resolved XRD using polychromatic fan beam and a hybrid pixel detectors Timepix3

1 Jul 2024, 18:37
Main Auditorium (FMDUL)

Main Auditorium


Main Auditorium of the Faculty of Dental Medicine at the University of Lisbon (Faculdade de Medicina Dentária da Universidade de Lisboa)


Ondrej Urban (University of West Bohemia (CZ))


Spatially resolved XRD using polychromatic fan beam and a hybrid pixel detectors Timepix3
The utilization of hybrid pixelated detectors such as Timepix3 for imaging has already been proven to have many benefits compared to conventional detectors, e.g. CCDs. The proposed work exploits these benefits for material structure analysis using x-ray diffraction (XRD) with a polychromatic fan beam. This allows simultaneous analysis of material properties along the line of interest and thus provide spatially resolved information about differences in the sample structure, e.g. material impurities or uneven sample treatment.
The proposed measurement setup utilizes two Timepix3 detectors, off-the-shelf x-ray tube and a simple geometry, enabling in situ measurement.
The data provided by the Timepix3 detector contain both spatial and energy information for each detected photon and therefore advantages of a polychromatic beam can be fully exploited.
The complete data processing chain is described and the benefits of the presented approach are shown on a several measurements, performed on materials with different crystalline structures.

Primary author

Ondrej Urban (University of West Bohemia (CZ))


Prof. Bohuslav Mašek (Unversity of West Bohemia) Mr Ctibor Štádler (Unversity of West Bohemia) Vjaceslav Georgiev (University of West Bohemia (CZ))

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