16–20 Oct 2023
Canada/Pacific timezone

Securing the RAL campus

18 Oct 2023, 14:25
Networking & Security Networking & Security 3


Liam Atherton


In the current research and education environment, the threat from cybersecurity attack is acute having grown in recent years. We must collaborate as a community to defend and protect ourselves. This requires both the use of detailed, timely and accurate threat intelligence alongside fine-grained monitoring.
We report on the development of a security operations centre for the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory to monitor both the general network and LHCOPN links. In this presentation we will share the current state of the SOC and how we aggregate, enrich and analyse the relevant data collected. We will also talk about the components of the SOC we use and how they work together to form a comprehensive system.


Liam Atherton

Presentation materials