25–29 Sept 2023
Budapest, Hungary
Europe/Budapest timezone

Development of a Time-Dependent Random Ray Method for High-Accuracy Neutron Flux Simulations

26 Sept 2023, 09:15
Budapest, Hungary

Budapest, Hungary

Centre for Energy Research, KFKI Campus, and Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Flash presentation Flash presentations Flash presentation of the participants


Maximilian Kraus


The most essential quantity that characterises the behaviour of a nuclear reactor is the neutron flux. Especially for the simulation of its time-dependent behaviour, which is crucial for the safety assessment, relatively coarse simplifications are often applied to make the neutron transport equation accessible to numerical calculations. The presented work introduces a high-fidelity, time-dependent neutron transport solver based on the novel random ray method, a stochastical variation of the method of characteristics. So far, this approach has been tested for a positive reactivity insertion into a homogeneous, infinite model problem, and the obtained results matched those of the analytical solution. The random ray method has a firm potential to provide precise solutions for more complex transients, which shall be investigated in future studies.


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