Target audience
The school is open for up to 24 participants. The target audience comprises young researchers, which includes Master's students, Ph.D. students, and young postdocs.
The expenses of the selected 24 participants will be covered by the ARIEL project.
The selection of participants will be based on the "University learning and working history letter (CV)" and the "Motivation letter" to be filled in on the registration form.
The language of the training school is English.
The school will demonstrate how reactor neutrons can be used to measure nuclear data for testing nuclear theories and for applications by ensuring the safe operation of nuclear reactors, producing radionuclides for medical purposes, analyzing the composition of materials, and understanding the synthesis of elements.
We will also practice the retrieval of nuclear data and its uncertainties available in online databases.
Preliminary program of the school
Lectures (venue: Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME))
- Introduction to the nuclear data & application (Roberto Capote-Noy, TBC)
- Radiations & their interactions with materials (TBD)
- Radiation measurements (TBD)
- Theory of reactor operation and experimental stations (BME & BNC)
- Radiative neutron cross-section measurements in n-beams (comparator method) (László Szentmiklósi, TBC)
- Neutron damage of materials (Ildikó Szenthe, TBC)
- Neutron flux measurements with threshold detectors, integral experiments (TBD)
- n-induced fission prompt gamma-ray measurements, simulation of neutron capture gamma-ray spectra (Tamás Belgya)
- Practicing gamma-spectroscopy program(s)
- Practicing nuclear data retrieval from online data libraries
Hands-on practical sessions in 4 × 6-person groups (venue: Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC))
- BME1 Reactor operation exercise & neutron flux measurement
- BME2 Neutron activation analysis
- BNC1 Cross-section measurements with comparator method PGAA & Simulation of gamma-spectra
- BNC2 Integral experiments at NAA, RAD
Flash presentation from the participants
School participants are encouraged to prepare a short PowerPoint presentation about their research topics and fields of interest. The best presentations will be awarded.