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ECFA ECR Panel meeting

Holly Pacey (University of Oxford (GB)), Jan-Hendrik Arling (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), Valentina Zaccolo (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))


  • Instrumentation WG:
    • AI Notes that Instrumentation WG also had a Town Hall []
    • And a Panel Discussion []
    • "Early Career Instrumentation Forum" format could be continued by us, for regular events.
    • No EoI during the meeting to start any new projects in the group.
  • Mandate Renewal:
    • ACTION FOR EVERYONE: Make sure that your ECFA country Rep is aware of when/if you want to be replaced/renewed, even if you just started. Preferably let the organising committee know too so we can keep our spreadsheet up to date.
    • e.g. if you are nominally on the panel until Dec 2023, still let the ECFA rep know if you want to be renewed after that or not, so they have a lot of time to think about a replacement.


  • KJ notes Czech Republic ECR Meeting:
    • Followed up a request after their RECFA visit.
    • Highlight, showed some Czech specific analysis of the EDI+CP survey after collecting many more responses:
    • ACTION: Mention this (and the FCC week event in the intro) in the Panel's end-of-year report.
  • ICFA Seminar:  Very strict timeline but Email was sent around after meeting to advertise for input.
  • RECFA Agendas:
    • HK asks if these are publically available and could be added to the website?
    • 1st day 9am-9pm: Has ECR talks etc., is public and agendas have been added to the slides after the meeting.
    • 2nd half-day: Considers drafts of letters to the country so is private.

WG: Future Colliders

  • Emphasis that this is a nice example of going from an idea to a planned event in a short space of time :)
  • 27th September @ CERN/Zoom! ECFA-wide "Future Colliders for ECRs" event. All should try to attend in person or at least connect online.
    • ACTION: Invitation email to event will go out soon: then panelists should help to widely advertise the event in their networks.
  • National Events in October.
    • ACTION FOR EVERYONE: Take the blueprint and begin working together to plan the event in your country!
    • Smaller countries could join up
    • ECFA Reps in each country are expecting to help you find speakers/panellists. Use them!

WG: Software/ML 4 Instrumentation

  • HP notes potential for cohesion with existing "Schools for ECRS in PP Instrumentation" website, to list existing training/resources for SW/ML specific parts
    • AI notes he is involved in "ECFA Taskforce in Instrumentation" plans to overhaul to a new website: can involve this stuff there.
    • ACTION FOR WG: follow up.

WG: EDI+Careers

  • NF suggests to make nationality plot into a 2D nationality v employment correlation plot to improve readibility.
  • Call for more personpower: No EoIs during meeting but 2 panelists interested to join after meeting.


  • End of year report
    • Didn't discuss more but should have something similar to last year [] to summarise this year's work.
    • ACTION: start to think about what will go in here and how we will organise writing it.
  • Next meeting
    • Nominally September, before November RECFA meeting.
    • AI suggests that if a lot of people are at CERN for the 27th September Forum then we could have it the day before/after that and make it hybrid.
    • HP agrees and suggest that even if that doesn't work, then the Panelists who are present at CERN should have a social event to meet in person.
  • No other business.

Minutes - Holly
Chairing - Valentina then Holly

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.