09/06/2011, 16:45
Vincent Ribaillier
09/06/2011, 17:00
Since 2004, the High-Performance Computing (HPC) community has organized
itself in Europe through two major EU funded projects : DEISA (Distributed
European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications, 2004-20011) and
PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) which started in 2008.
The HPC ecosystem has been consolidated with the definition of a “pyramidal
model” which...
Jim Basney
09/06/2011, 17:15
David Groep
09/06/2011, 17:45
John White White
(Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
09/06/2011, 18:00
Christoph Witzig
(Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich/ETH (ETH))
10/06/2011, 09:45
Emmanuel Ormancey
10/06/2011, 10:15
Alan Sill
(Texas Tech University), Dr
David Kelsey
Mike Helm
(Science Identity Federation),
Other panelists TBC, Dr
Stefan Lueders
10/06/2011, 11:00
chair: Stefan Lueders
Dave Kelsey
Mike Helm
Alan Sill
Bob Jones
(CERN), Mr
Romain Wartel
Tim Bell
10/06/2011, 12:00
The session chairmen will give brief summaries of the outcome of each session.