Overview of electrical tests on HL-LHC prototype diode stack

30/3-023 (CERN)



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    • 11:00 12:00
      Overview of electrical tests on HL-LHC prototype diode stack 1h

      Proposed agenda:
      • Introduction (Giorgio)
      • Summary of electrical test at 300K/77K (Giorgio)
      • Overview of electrical at SM18 (300K/4 K) (Gerard)
      • Conclusion

      Speakers: Gerard Willering (CERN), Giorgio D'Angelo (CERN)

      Present: Arjan, Emmanuele, Felix, Giorgio, Gerard, Jerome. Daniel W joined later. Samer Y: excused

      Few notes taken during the meeting:

      To be included in the final report from SM18 tests:

      • V x I integral of each diode
      • All preparatory pulses performed on the stack (3kA, 4.5kA, 6kA, etc...) with their analysis.


      In general, use the worst case scenario current pulse value of 5.2kA (defined in Emmanuele's ref doc) and could be mentioned that initial estimated value was of 7kA


      General performance of the stack:

      • Test in MPE labs gives pulses of 14.5kA for very short time (~2ms), at 300 and 80K
      • Test in SM18 gives current pulses >7kA for longer time (~1s) with Miits of ~50
      • Bus bar temperature stay low
      • Diodes characteristics are OK

      ==> Acceptance criteria to be defined. Proto1 looks robust and reliable. Could be used in the String after final report acceptance, TBC



      • Test plan definition for acceptance test of futur HL-LHC diode stack -> Gerard
      • Final test report from sm18 -> Gerard
      • Test report from MPE lab -> Giorgio
      • Make sure that Proto2(equipped with HL-LHC diodes) would be available for String, as spare, in case of need -> Giorgio