23–25 May 2011
Europe/Zurich timezone

Lab measurements and testbeam results of irradiated n<sup>+</sup>-in-n planar pixel sensors for IBL and beyond

25 May 2011, 09:00


University of Liverpool Conference Office The Foresight Centre 1 Brownlow Street
Full Detector Systems (Pixel Sensors) Pixel and 3D sensors


Mr André Rummler (TU Dortmund)


We have irradiated n+-in-n sensor assemblies based on the current ATLAS readout chip FE-I3 up to the required IBL end of life fluence 5x1015 neq/cm2 (and further up to 2x1016 neq/cm2 for HLLHC) using thermal neutrons in Ljubljana as well as low energy protons in Karlsruhe. Promising results, particularly hit efficiencies, from the analysis of testbeam data will be shown. Furthermore an update on the overall charge collection gained from lab measurements will be presented. An outlook on first results obtained in the lab with similarly irradiated FE-I4 based SingleChip assemblies and their general behaviour will be given as well.

Primary author

Mr André Rummler (TU Dortmund)

Presentation materials