8–13 Aug 2011
Rhode Island Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone

The Tevatron Top Quark Forward-Backward Asymmetry and Same Sign Top Quark Pair Production at the LHC

11 Aug 2011, 10:50
553 (Rhode Island Convention Center)


Rhode Island Convention Center

Parallel contribution Top Quark Physics Top Quark Physics


Dr Edmond Berger (ANL)


The forward-backward asymmetry for top quarks measured in proton-antiproton collisions at the Tevatron shows a large deviation from standard model expectations. Among possible interpretations, the exchange of a non-universal $Z^\prime$ is of some interest as it naturally predicts a top quark in the forward region of large rapidity. To reproduce the size of the Tevatron asymmetry, the couplings of the $Z^\prime$ to standard model quarks must be large, inevitably leading to copious production of same-sign top quark pairs at the Tevatron and at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We discuss the constraints on this model from (a) the Tevatron top-antitop cross section, (b) the Tevatron top-antitop invariant mass distribution, and the same sign top pair cross section limits at the Tevatron. We explore the discovery potential for $tt$ and $ttj$ production in early LHC experiments at 7 TeV and conclude that if {\it no} $tt$ signal is observed with 1~fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity, then a non-universal $Z^\prime$ alone cannot explain the Tevatron forward-backward asymmetry.


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