8–13 Aug 2011
Rhode Island Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone

Search for Chargino-Neutralino Associated Production in Dilepton Final States with Tau Leptons

10 Aug 2011, 16:50
Plenary Ballroom (Rhode Island Convention Center)

Plenary Ballroom

Rhode Island Convention Center

Parallel contribution Beyond the Standard Model Beyond the Standard Model


Mr Robert Forrest (UC Davis)


We present a search for chargino and neutralino supersymmetric particles yielding same signed dilepton final states including one hadronically decaying tau lepton using 6.0 fb^-1 of data collected by the the CDF II detector. This signature is important in SUSY models where, at high \tan{\beta}, the branching ratio of charginos and neutralinos to tau leptons becomes dominant. We study event acceptance, lepton identification cuts, and efficiencies. We set limits on the production cross section as a function of SUSY particle mass for certain generic models.


Mr Robert Forrest (UC Davis)


Presentation materials