Saptaparna Bhattacharya
(Brown University)
Identification of jets originating from b quarks (b-tagging) is a key element of many physics analyses at the LHC. Various algorithms for b-tagging have been developed by the CMS experiment to identify b-tagged jets with a typical efficiency between 40% and 70% while keeping the rate of mis-identified light quark jets between 0.1% and 10%. An important step, in order to be able to use these tools in physics analysis, is the determination of the efficiency for tagging b-jets. Several methods to measure the efficiencies of the life-time based b-tagging algorithms are presented. Events that have jets with muons are used to enrich a jet sample in heavy flavor content. The efficiency measurement relies on the transverse momentum of the muon relative to the jet axis or on solving a system of equations which incorporate two uncorrected taggers. Another approach uses the number of b-tagged jets in top pair events to estimate the efficiency. The results obtained in 2010 data and the uncertainties obtained with the different techniques are reported.
Saptaparna Bhattacharya
(Brown University)