Errol Gotsman
(Tel Aviv University)
Monte Carlo generators (Pythia and Phojet) which were tuned for energies up to that of the Tevatron, appear to be found wanting when extended
to LHC energies.
We have constructed a model that satisfies the theoretical
requisites of high energy soft interactions, based on two conjectures:
(i) the results of N =4 SYM, which at present is a unique theory
that allows one to deal with a large coupling constant: and
(ii) the requirement of matching with high energy QCD.
In accord with these postulates we assume that the soft Pomeron
intercept is relatively large, and the slope of the Pomeron trajectory is equal to zero. We derive analytical formulae that sum both enhanced
and semi-enhanced diagrams for elastic and diffractive amplitudes.
We fit the available experimental data, up to and including the
Tevatron energies, and predict the values of cross sections at all energies accessible at the LHC and beyond.
The values we obtained are in agreement with the measured value of the
inelastic cross section at 7 TeV published by the ATLAS collaboration,
and the inclusive cross sections measured by CMS, ATLAS and ALICE.
We compare our results with experimental data and competing models.
The material summarizes the contents of :
(1) Eur.Phys.J. (2011)71:1553
(2) arXiv:1103.4509
Errol Gotsman
(Tel Aviv University)
Eugene Levin
(Tel Aviv University)
Uri Maor
(Tel Aviv University)