8–13 Aug 2011
Rhode Island Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone

KATRIN: an experiment to determine the neutrino mass

12 Aug 2011, 09:00
550 (Rhode Island Convention Center)


Rhode Island Convention Center

Parallel contribution Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics


Dr Florian Fränkle (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)


The KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment is a next generation, model independent, large scale experiment to determine the mass of the electron anti-neutrino by investigating the kinematics of tritium beta-decay with a sensitivity of 200 meV/c2. The measurement setup consists of a high luminosity windowless gaseous molecular tritium source (WGTS), a differential and cryogenic pumped electron transport and tritium retention section, a tandem spectrometer section (pre-spectrometer and main spectrometer) for energy analysis, followed by a detector system for counting transmitted beta-decay electrons. To achieve the desired sensitivity, the WGTS, in which tritium decays with an activity of about 10e11 Bq, needs to be stable on the 0.1% level in injection pressure and temperature at an absolute value of about 30 K. With the capability to create an axial magnetic field of 3.6 T the WGTS is going to be one of the world’s most complex superconducting magnet and cryostat systems. The main spectrometer (length 24 m, diameter 10 m), which works as a retarding electrostatic spectrometer, will have an energy resolution of 0.93 eV at 18.6 keV. For the precise energy analysis at the tritium endpoint, a retarding potential of -18.6 kV is needed with 1 ppm stability. To reach the background level needed to achieve the sensitivity, it will be operated at a pressure of 10e-11 mbar. This talk will give an overview of the KATRIN experiment and and its current status.


Dr Florian Fränkle (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Presentation materials