Bradley Lee Roberts
(Boston University)
Fermilab E989 has the goal to improve on the precision of the muon anomalous magnetic moment, a_mu = (g_mu - 2)/2 by at least a factor of 4 beyond the 0.54~ppm relative precision obtained in E821 at Brookhaven. The precision storage ring will be relocated to Fermilab and installed in a new building. A new 8~GeV/c proton beamline and 3.1~GeV/c muon beamline will be built. The unique capabilities of Fermilab to produce a proton beam with pulses containing ~ 1 X 10^{12} protons at an advantageous duty factor will provide the necessary increase of statistics in a reasonable running time. This new experiment should clarify the apparent > 3 sigma difference between the experimental and Standard-Model values of a_mu.
Bradley Lee Roberts
(Boston University)