8–13 Aug 2011
Rhode Island Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone

The Fermilab Muon (g-2) Experiment

10 Aug 2011, 17:30
552 A ()

552 A

Parallel contribution Low Energy Searches for Physics Beyond the Standard Model Low Energy Searches for Physics Beyond the Standard Model


Bradley Lee Roberts (Boston University)


Fermilab E989 has the goal to improve on the precision of the muon anomalous magnetic moment, a_mu = (g_mu - 2)/2 by at least a factor of 4 beyond the 0.54~ppm relative precision obtained in E821 at Brookhaven. The precision storage ring will be relocated to Fermilab and installed in a new building. A new 8~GeV/c proton beamline and 3.1~GeV/c muon beamline will be built. The unique capabilities of Fermilab to produce a proton beam with pulses containing ~ 1 X 10^{12} protons at an advantageous duty factor will provide the necessary increase of statistics in a reasonable running time. This new experiment should clarify the apparent > 3 sigma difference between the experimental and Standard-Model values of a_mu.


Bradley Lee Roberts (Boston University)

Presentation materials