8โ€“13 Aug 2011
Rhode Island Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone


Detector Technology and R&D

9 Aug 2011, 14:00
Rhode Island Convention Center

Rhode Island Convention Center

One Sabin Street Providence, RI 02903


Detector Technology and R&D

  • James Brau (Univ. of Oregon)
  • Maurice Garcia-Sciveres (LBNL)

Detector Technology and R&D: Chaired by Kevin Pitts

  • Maurice Garcia-Sciveres (LBNL)
  • James Brau (Univ. of Oregon)

Detector Technology and R&D: Chaired by Andy White

  • Maurice Garcia-Sciveres (LBNL)
  • James Brau (Univ. of Oregon)

Detector Technology and R&D: Chaired by William Wester

  • Maurice Garcia-Sciveres (LBNL)
  • James Brau (Univ. of Oregon)

Detector Technology and R&D: Chaired by Rick Gaitskell

  • James Brau (Univ. of Oregon)
  • Maurice Garcia-Sciveres (LBNL)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Daniela Bortoletto (Purdue)
09/08/2011, 14:00
Detector Technology and R&D
Parallel contribution
Overview of upgrade plans.
Venetios Polychronakos (Department of Physics-Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))
09/08/2011, 14:35
Detector Technology and R&D
Parallel contribution
Overview of plans for ATLAS detector upgrades up to 2022.
Dr Jose Repond (Argonne National Laboratory)
10/08/2011, 16:30
Detector Technology and R&D
Parallel contribution
Summary of challenges, development, and prospects.
Carter Hall (University of Maryland)
12/08/2011, 10:50
Detector Technology and R&D
Parallel contribution
Broad overview of applications outside accelerators
Building timetable...