Field and String Theory
- V. Parameswaran Nair (City College of New York)
Field and String Theory
- V. Parameswaran Nair (City College of New York)
Field and String Theory
- V. Parameswaran Nair (City College of New York)
Marcus Spradlin
(Brown University)
10/08/2011, 14:00
Field and String Theory
Parallel contribution
Scattering amplitudes have played a central role in quantum field theory since its inception. Recent years have seen remarkable progress in our understanding of their previously hidden mathematical simplicity, and in our ability to compute previously intractable scattering amplitudes, both for theoretical and phenomenological purposes. In this talk I will review several of the latest advances...
Abhishek Agarwal
(American Physical Society)
10/08/2011, 14:30
Field and String Theory
Parallel contribution
An on-shell formalism for the computation of S-matrices of SYM theories in three spacetime dimensions will be presented. The framework is a generalization of the spinor-helicity formalism in four dimensions. The formalism will be applied to establish the manifest SO(N) covariance of the on-shell superalgebra relevant to N =2,4 and 8 SYM theories in d=3. The results will be used to argue for...
Thomas Hartman
(Institute for Advanced Study)
10/08/2011, 14:50
Field and String Theory
Parallel contribution
It was recently conjectured that higher spin gravity in three dimensions is holographically dual to a simple, exactly solveable conformal field theory called the W_N minimal model. This raises the possibility of tackling some difficult questions in holography or quantum gravity by performing exact computations at all values of the coupling. I will describe the motivation for studying...
Jonathan Heckman
(Institute for Advanced Study)
10/08/2011, 15:10
Field and String Theory
Parallel contribution
We describe a novel regulator of four-dimensional N = 4 Super Yang-Mills theory on a four-sphere. The regulator involves a lift of the theory to a large N matrix model on a non-commutative twistor space. As opposed to other known regulators, this regulator naturally retains both gauge invariance, and the symmetries of the spacetime. We present evidence that in the large N limit, the twistor...
Rajamani Narayanan
(Florida International University)
10/08/2011, 15:30
Field and String Theory
Parallel contribution
We will present new results pertaining to large Nc gauge on the lattice.
Two main topics will be
(a) the phases of three dimensional large Nc gauge theories reduced to two dimensions;
(b) single site realization of large Nc gauge theories with adjoint fermions.
Brian Tiburzi
12/08/2011, 10:30
Field and String Theory
Parallel contribution
The study of QCD at finite baryon density is severely hampered by the so-called fermion sign problem. As a result, we have no known first principles approach to study nuclear matter, or neutron stars from QCD. On the surface, the large Nc limit does not seem to simplify matters. In this limit, however, one can exploit dualities that exist between strongly coupled gauge theories. I will focus...
Justin Vazquez-Poritz
(New York City College of Technology)
12/08/2011, 10:50
Field and String Theory
Parallel contribution
We use gauge-gravity duality to study the behavior of strongly-coupled quarks moving on a black hole background. The supergravity background consists of a six-dimensional Schwarzschild-black string AdS soliton, for which the bulk horizon is a string that extends from the AdS boundary down to an infra-red floor. By going to higher energy scales, the regime of validity of the classical...
Ho-Ung Yee
(SUNY, Stony Brook)
12/08/2011, 11:10
Field and String Theory
Parallel contribution
We consider relativistic QCD plasma containing charged chiral fermions in an external magnetic field, e.g a chirally symmetric quark-gluon plasma created in relativistic heavy ion collisions.
In the presence of net axial charges, there is an induced electromagnetic current along the magnetic field due to triangle anomaly: this is Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME). We discuss CME in several...
Itzhak Bars
(Univ. Southern California)
12/08/2011, 11:30
Field and String Theory
Parallel contribution
Einstein's theory of General Relativity and its couplings to matter in 3+1 dimensions can be slightly enlarged with the requirement of a local scale (conformal) symmetry and the corresponding gauge degrees of freedom. This form of the theory, which is a prediction coming from 2T-gravity in 4+2 dimensions, has no dimensionful constants, not even the gravitational constant, and requires all...
Albion Lawrence
(Brandeis University)
12/08/2011, 16:00
Field and String Theory
Parallel contribution
Simple inflation models using a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson (PNGB) as the inflaton require an axion decay constant at or above the Planck scale. Models which generate potentially observable gravitational waves also require scalar fields with super-Planckian ranges. These models are hard to justify in UV-complete theories. One way around the problem is the phenomenon of "axion monodromy". ...
Irene Bredberg
(Harvard University)
12/08/2011, 16:20
Field and String Theory
Parallel contribution
We discuss a mathematically precise realization of suggestions of a holographic duality relating fluids and spacetime horizons which began with the black hole membrane paradigm in the 70's and resurfaced recently in studies of the AdS/CFT correspondence. Our explicit construction shows that every solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation can be related to a solution of the vacuum...
Louis Clavelli
(University of Alabama)
12/08/2011, 16:40
Field and String Theory
Parallel contribution
If the string landscape has any validity, the universe has in the past and should in the future make transitions to
other local (or absolute minima). A prime model for the physics of
a future universe is the zero vacuum energy minimal supersymmetric standard model or one
of its variations with all susy breaking terms put to zero. If we assume that this transition is accelerated in dense...