29 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

Probing the doubly magic shell closure at 132Sn by Coulomb excitation of neutron-rich 130Sn

29 Nov 2023, 15:00
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Submitted oral (In person) Investigation of magic numbers


Maximilian Droste (IKP, University of Cologne, Germany)


First excited states of 130Sn, the even-even neighbour of the doubly-magic nucleus 132Sn, were populated via safe Coulomb excitation (CE) employing the recently commissioned, highly efficient MINIBALL array. The 130Sn ions were accelerated by the HIE-ISOLDE accelerator to an energy of 4.4 MeV/u and impinged onto a 206Pb target. The de-exciting 𝛾 rays from excited states of the target and projectile nuclei have been recorded in coincidence with scattered particles. Sufficient statistics was obtained to observe 𝛾 rays from the first 2+ and 4+ states. The ongoing data analysis aims for reduced transition strengths for the 0+g.s. → 2+1 and 2+1 → 4+1 transitions in 130Sn in order to understand the evolution of collectivity and nuclear structure around the magic shell closure at N=82, Z=50 tin isotopes. Advanced shell model calculations using realistic interactions predict enhanced collectivity in the neighbouring isotopes of 132Sn [1]. Moreover, a puzzling discrepancy between previous measurements in 130Sn and latest theoretical results [2] awaits to be resolved.
[1] D. Rosiak et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 252501 (2018)
[2] T. Togashi et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 062501 (2018)
Supported by the German BMBF 05P21PKFN9 and 05P21RDCI2 and European Union’s Horizon Europe Framework research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101057511


Maximilian Droste (IKP, University of Cologne, Germany) Peter Reiter (IKP, University of Cologne, Germany) Thorsten Kroell (IKP, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany) for the IS702 collaboration

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