Our motivational speakers for the Job Matching Event Fall 2023 are Dr Conor Fitzpatrick (LHCb) and Prof. Toyoko Orimoto (CMS)! They will give their motivational talks between 13:00-14:00 CEST on Tuesday 24th October, covering their career journeys to their current positions as well as any advice for pursuing a career in high energy physics. The talks will be virtual and the Zoom link can be found on this page. A recording of this event is available here: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1322376/attachments/2740015/4766062/JMEv_Fall2023.mp4
More information about the speakers can be found below:
Dr Conor Fitzpatrick
Conor Fitzpatrick is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Manchester. He is a UKRI Future Leaders Fellow and ERC Starting Grant awardee. His research areas involve measurements of matter-antimatter asymmetries in Beauty mesons and Software Trigger R&D. He is a former LHCb Physics Analysis Working Group Convenor and Project Leader of the Run 2 LHCb Software Trigger.

Prof. Toyoko Orimoto (she/her)
Prof. Orimoto is an Associate Professor of Physics at Northeastern University, conducting experimental particle physics research with the CMS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Prior to joining the Northeastern faculty, Prof. Orimoto was a fellow at CERN (2009-2012) and the Robert A. Millikan fellow at the California Institute of Technology (2006-2009). She holds a Ph.D. (2006) and B.A. (2000) in physics from the University of California, Berkeley. As part of the CMS Collaboration, Prof. Orimoto is interested in using the Higgs boson as a probe for new beyond-the-Standard-Model physics. Moreover, Prof. Orimoto is dedicated to the operation and upgrade of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter, as well as the new CMS MIP timing detector for HL-LHC. In addition to her enthusiasm for elementary particles, Prof. Orimoto is a passionate advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion in all spheres–in her collaborations, in physics, at her university, and in society at large.