3–7 Jun 2024
IST, Lisboa
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Unitarity constraints on large multiplets of arbitrary gauge groups

6 Jun 2024, 14:30
Room QA1.2 - Chemistry Tower

Room QA1.2 - Chemistry Tower


Mr André Milagre (CFTP)


We impose partial-wave unitarity on 2 –> 2 tree-level scattering processes to derive constraints on the dimensions of large scalar and fermionic multiplets of arbitrary gauge groups. We apply our results to various scalar and fermionic extensions of the Standard Model, and also to the Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) based on the groups SU(5), SO(10), and E6. We identify scenarios within the latter two GUTs that violate the unitarity condition — this may require a reevaluation of the validity of perturbation theory in those scenarios.


Mr André Milagre (CFTP) Mr Luís Lavoura (CFTP)

Presentation materials