3–7 Jun 2024
IST, Lisboa
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Spontaneous CP violation and μ−τ symmetry in two-Higgs-doublet models with flavour conservation

6 Jun 2024, 15:50
Room QA1.2 - Chemistry Tower

Room QA1.2 - Chemistry Tower


Dr Miguel Ruben Nebot Gómez (U. of Valencia - IFIC)


In multi-Higgs-doublet models, the simultaneous requirement that (i) CP violation only arises spontaneously, (ii) there are no tree level scalar flavour changing couplings and (iii) the fermion mixing matrix is CP violating, can only be achieved in a very specific way. A general approach on the question is presented stressing new clarifying insights. In the quark sector, that possibility is not viable on phenomenological grounds while in the lepton sector it is highly interesting and leads to viable models with μ−τ symmetric PMNS matrices. Models with Dirac or Majorana (in a type I seesaw scenario) neutrinos, including phenomenological implications, are analysed.

Primary author

Dr Miguel Ruben Nebot Gómez (U. of Valencia - IFIC)

Presentation materials