Prospects and future developments
- Lucio Rossi (CERN)
- Introduce the planned upgrades and future projects new challenges for optics modeling and beam instrumentation?
- Are the optics challenging enough?
Yannis Papaphilippou
22/06/2011, 11:05
In order to increase the bunch current instability thresholds that limit the LHC bunch intensities in the SPS, several optics were proposed targeting the reduction of the transition energy. In particular, a simple solution by decreasing the integer tunes of the actual working point by 6 units was developed and applied to the real machine, enabling the injection and acceleration up to the flat...
Giuliano Franchetti
22/06/2011, 11:25
Beam loss control is an important issue in all superconducting accelerators. In the FAIR project the requirement of beam loss control becomes demanding by the complications created from the high intensity. The response of the beam to the linear and nonlinear machine optics is magnified by the space charge. Issues of optics and resonance control (compensation) during storage and acceleration...