Welcome to this new edition of the FCCIS WP2 workshop in Roma!

The 2023 workshop of FCC Innovation Study Work Package 2 will be held in Rome, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas or “Angelicum”, from 13 to 15 November 2023.
This workshop will focus on outstanding and unresolved questions from the FCC mid-term review, in particular:
- collider performance and beam lifetime,
- mechanical alignment tolerances,
- misalignment models,
- trim coil baseline and beam-based alignment,
- collider and booster optics,
- vibration and ripple tolerances plus mitigations,
- booster vacuum,
- booster impedance, and
- electron cloud
We are looking forward to seeing you in Rome!
Copyright: Photo by Fineas Anton on Unsplash
Application for this event is currently open.