4–8 Dec 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone


WG4 - Modelling of Physics Processes and Software Tools

6 Dec 2023, 09:00
40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac (CERN)

40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac


Show room on map


WG4 - Modelling of Physics Processes and Software Tools

  • Ozkan Sahin (Uludag University (TR))
  • Rob Veenhof (CERN)
  • Piet Verwilligen (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dario Stocco (ETH Zürich), Marnik Metting van Rijn, Marnik Metting van Rijn
06/12/2023, 09:00
Ibrahim A.M. Alsamak (Uludag University (TR))
06/12/2023, 09:30
Michal Adam Jagielski (Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion (PL))
06/12/2023, 10:00
Stephen Biagi (Uludag University (TR)), Stephen Biagi (University of Liverpool)
06/12/2023, 12:30
Marco Poli Lener (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
06/12/2023, 12:40
Building timetable...