RD51 Collaboration Meeting

40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac (CERN)

40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac


Show room on map
Eraldo Oliveri (CERN), Leszek Ropelewski (CERN), Maxim TITOV (CEA Saclay), Silvia Dalla Torre (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))

Dear Colleagues,

The RD51 Collaboration Meeting will take place in-person at CERN and by Zoom remote connection between 4-8 December 2023. This meeting will mark the end of the official RD51 activities and serve as the entrance point for the transition from the RD51 to DRD1.

It will be a very good opportunity to wrap up on the evolution and challenges of MPGD technologies and community in the past 15 years, looking at what has been achieved and projecting our "wish list and vision" into the future. 

We strongly encourage your in-person participation! 

 On Wednesday, we will extend the session to spend some time together celebrating the end of a very stimulating period for many of us under the RD51 umbrella.

 Please note that on Friday afternoon, the DRD1 Community Meeting  will take place. Proposal presentation at the first official DRDC meeting and approval outcome from the CERN Research Board will be discussed. The session will close with the DRD1 management candidates’ open presentations.  

We are really looking forward to seeing you numerous, in person or remotely, to celebrate RD51 collaboration legacy.

Please note that the meeting will take place in different rooms:

Monday: 40/S2-A01 - Salle Anderson

Tuesday: 31/3-004, IT Amphitheatre

Wednesday Morning: 31/3-004, IT Amphitheatre 

Wednesday Afternoon: 30/7-018 Kjell Johnsen Auditorium

Thursday: 31/3-004, IT Amphitheatre 

Friday: 40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac 


Registration is not mandatory. If needed, a CERN visitor pass can be requested by completing the registration form.

Best regards,

Eraldo, Leszek, Maxim and Silvia

RD51 Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Florian Maximilian Brunbauer
Alternative hosts
Piet Verwilligen, Eraldo Oliveri
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
    • Communications: Introduction 40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac

      40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac


      Show room on map
      Conveners: Eraldo Oliveri (CERN), Maxim TITOV (CEA Saclay)
    • WG1 - Technological Aspects and Development of New Detector Structures 40/S2-A01 - Salle Anderson

      40/S2-A01 - Salle Anderson


      Show room on map
      Conveners: Filippo Resnati (CERN), Paul Colas (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
    • WG1 - Technological Aspects and Development of New Detector Structures 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      Conveners: Filippo Resnati (CERN), Paul Colas (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
      • 9
        Commissioning of the T2K/ND280 Resistive Micromegas TPC at JPARC
        Speaker: Thorsten Lux (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona)
      • 10
        X,Y, U, V four-layer MM-GEM Hybrid detector using segmented GEM foils.
        Speakers: Fabian Vogel (Ludwig Maximilians Universitat (DE)), Fabian Vogel, Ralf Hertenberger (Ludwig Maximilians Universitat (DE))
      • 11
        The IDEA drift chamber for main tracking at FCC
        Speaker: Nicola De Filippis (Politecnico/INFN Bari (IT))
      • 12
        The ALICE TPC in lead-lead collisions at Run3 : Space charge corrections
        Speaker: Matthias Kleiner (Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))
    • 10:40 AM
      Coffee break 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
    • WG2 - Detector Physics and Performance 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      Conveners: Francisco Garcia (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI)), Piotr Gasik (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
      • 13
        Model-assisted dE/dx measurement with resistive Micromegas in T2K TPCs
        Speaker: Tristan Daret (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
      • 14
        ALICE TPC Upgrade (lessons learned, experience, performance)
        Speaker: Chilo Garabatos Cuadrado (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
      • 15
        COMPASS RICH-1 Upgrade (lessons learned, experience, performance)
        Speaker: Fulvio Tessarotto (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))
    • RD51 MB meeting 15/R-006



      GDD meeting room
      Zoom Meeting ID
      Eraldo Oliveri
      Useful links
      Join via phone
      Zoom URL
      Conveners: Eraldo Oliveri (CERN), Leszek Ropelewski (CERN), Maxim TITOV (CEA Saclay), Silvia Dalla Torre (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))
    • WG2 - Detector Physics and Performance 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      Conveners: Francisco Garcia (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI)), Piotr Gasik (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
    • WG6 - Production and Industrialization 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      Conveners: Fabien Jeanneau (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)), Rui De Oliveira (CERN)
    • RD51 Collaboration Board 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      Zoom Meeting ID
      Eraldo Oliveri
      Alternative host
      Florian Maximilian Brunbauer
      Useful links
      Join via phone
      Zoom URL
      Conveners: Jochen Kaminski (University of Bonn (DE)), Shikma Bressler (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
    • MPGD conference 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      Convener: Theodoros Geralis (Nat. Cent. for Sci. Res. Demokritos (GR))
      • 54
        MPGD2024 Conference organization
        Speaker: Jianbei Liu (University of Science and Technology of China (CN))
      • 55
        MPGD2026 proposal for organization - University of Coimbra
        Speaker: Joaquim Marques Ferreira Dos Santos (Universidade de Coimbra (PT))
      • 56
        MPGD2026 proposal for organization - Roma
        Speaker: Emanuele Di Marco (INFN, Roma 1 (IT))
      • 57
        MPGD2026 proposal for organization - Czech Technical University
        Speaker: Hugo Natal Da Luz (Czech Technical University in Prague)
      • 58
        MPGD2026 proposal for organization - University of Delhi
        Speaker: Mohammad Naimuddin Naimuddin (University of Delhi (IN))
      • 59
        MPGD2026 proposal for organization - University of Hamburg
        Speaker: Konstantinos Nikolopoulos (Hamburg University (DE))
      • 60
        MPGD2026 proposal for organization - Michigan State University
        Speaker: Marco Cortesi (Michigan State University (US))
    • 3:40 PM
      Coffee break 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
    • WG7 - Common Test Facilities 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      Conveners: Eraldo Oliveri (CERN), Yorgos Tsipolitis (National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))
    • WG8 - Training and Dissemination 40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac

      40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac


      Show room on map
      Conveners: Florian Maximilian Brunbauer (CERN), Mauro Iodice (INFN - Sezione di Roma Tre)
      • 68
        Overview of RD51 MPGD School
        Speakers: Florian Maximilian Brunbauer (CERN), Mauro Iodice (INFN - Sezione di Roma Tre)
      • 69
        Lab 1 - Detector Assembly - Group 4
        Speakers: Howin Ma, Raheema Hafeji (STFC - ISIS Neutron and Muon Source), Rita Antonietti, Yanwen Hong (Ghent University (BE))
      • 70
        Lab 2 - Detector Operation - Group 5
        Speakers: Chiara Alice (Universita e INFN Torino (IT)), David Marques, Joseph Dopfer, Sapphira Akins
      • 71
        Lab 2 - Detector Operation - Group 1
        Speakers: Efstathios Karentzos (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE)), Matteo Giovannetti (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT)), Miranda Rabelhofer, Richa Rai (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))
      • 72
        Lab 3 - Detector Characterisation - Group 6
        Speakers: Flavia Daniela Freitas Leite (University of Aveiro (PT)), Matteo Feltre (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT)), Romano Orlandini, Stefania-Alexandra Juks (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
      • 73
        Lab 4 - Readout Techniques - Group 2
        Speakers: Jan Bjorn Paschek (University of Bonn (DE)), Melba Dastolfo, Michael Serikow, Valerio D'Amico (Ludwig Maximilians Universitat (DE))
      • 74
        Lab 5 - Simulation - Group 3
        Speakers: Giuseppe Antonio Brischetto (UniCt, INFN-LNS), Jose Antonio Pavon Rodriguez (Universidad de Sevilla (ES)), Majd Ghrear, Tomas Klinavičius
      • 75
        Discussion and next steps
    • Communications 40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac

      40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac


      Show room on map
    • Conclusion 40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac

      40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac


      Show room on map
    • DRD1 - Communications and presentations 40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac

      40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac


      Show room on map