11–13 Mar 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Sunet Drive - Sweden - Community Site Report

11 Mar 2024, 16:45
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
Presentation CS3 Community Site Reports Services and Infrastructures


Magnus Andersson (SUNET) Richard Freitag


Sunet Drive is Sweden's national data storage solution, and part of the ScienceMesh. It is a federated solution consisting of 54 nodes, one for every Swedish institution, including one node for external users. We will give an up-to-date overview of of Sunet Drive, including

  • User and storage development
  • New customer on-boarding and customizations
  • Updates and incidents
  • Extension to a third data center
  • Implemented and planned features

Special focus of the community report will lie on the plan to develop Sunet Drive into a sovereign academic toolbox, capable of FAIR data handling and data analysis. This includes our efforts in developing Secure Zones and Step-up-Authentication, as well as the integration of RDS and the development of a new connector for the Swedish National Dataservice system DORIS. In addition, we will briefly talk about "Scalable JupyterHub", funded through GN5-1 - GÉANT Project Incubator, and planned to be integrated into Sunet Drive.

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