CS3 2024 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing

from Monday 11 March 2024 (08:30) to Wednesday 13 March 2024 (20:05)
CERN (503/1-001)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
11 Mar 2024
12 Mar 2024
13 Mar 2024
08:30 --- Registration Desk & Good Morning Coffee ---
Introduction & Welcome - Massimo Lamanna (CERN) Jakub Moscicki (CERN) (until 10:00) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
Keynote - Jakub Moscicki (CERN) (until 11:00) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:00 Neutrality, Impartiality, and Independence of Humanitarian Action in the Digital Age at ICRC - Mr Mauro Vignati (ICRC) Massimo Marelli (ICRC Delegation for Cyberspace, Luxemburg)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
Services and Infrastructures - Massimo Lamanna (CERN) (until 12:45) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:25 CERNBox turns 10 years old: pitfalls and challenges of building CERN’s cloud collaborative platform - Hugo Gonzalez Labrador (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:45 Working with sensitive research data across borders and institutions - Anne Bergsaker (University of Oslo)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:05 Towards data sharing service for Physical Sciences Data Infrastructure - Vasily Bunakov Jonathan Bathe (Scientific Technology Facility Council)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:25 EFSS on a truly grand scale: Experience with the ByCS school cloud in Bavaria, Germany - Mr David Walter (ownCloud) Mr Nick Wilson (ownCloud)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
08:30 --- Good Morning Coffee ---
Keynote - Guido Aben (SUNET) (until 10:00) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:00 From Data To Knowledge: Computing For High-Energy Physics Experiments - Mario Lassnig (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
Collaborative Data Science and Visualisation - Guido Aben (SUNET) (until 11:00) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:00 Jupyterhub on Kubernetes as a platform for developing secure shared environment for data analysis at MAX IV - Andrii Salnikov   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:20 Develop data-centric web apps in Jupyter with Voilà and VOIS - Davide De Marchi (European Commission - Joint Research Centre)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:40 Evolving SWAN through simplification - Diogo Castro (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
OpenCloudMesh Campfire - Giuseppe Lo Presti (CERN) (until 12:45) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:20 OCM State of the Art - Giuseppe Lo Presti (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:30 Federated groups via OCM - Tom Wezepoel (SURF)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:35 Trusted servers and MFA with OCM - Micke Nordin (SUNET)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:40 OCM discoverability through DNS - Hugo Gonzalez Labrador (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:45 Evolving the OCM test suite to ease implementations' compliance - Sandro Mesterheide   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:50 Standardizing Open Cloud Mesh as an open standard - Mr Michiel de Jong   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:00 OCM panel: where do we go from here? - Ron Trompert Klaas Freitag (ownCloud) Hugo Gonzalez Labrador (CERN) Michiel de Jong Jonathan Xu Frank Karlitschek Giuseppe Lo Presti (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
08:30 --- Good Morning Coffee ---
Keynote - Bob Jones (CERN) (until 10:00) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:00 European Strategy for Data and the Resulting Landscape   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:00 --- Break ---
Panel discussion: EOSC Services & Federated Infrastructures - Bob Jones (CERN) (until 11:25) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:05 EOSC EU node - data centric cloud services - Norbert Meyer (Unknown) Zdenek Sustr (Czech Technical University (CZ)) Maciek Brzezniak (PSNC)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:20 ScienceMesh: Community Federation - Jakub Moscicki (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:35 The value of Open Science collaborations in Scientific Computing - Xavier Espinal (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:45 Panel discussion: EOSC — what’s in there for the CS3 community?   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:25 --- Coffee Break ---
Technology Bricks: Testing and Resilience - Ron Trompert (until 12:45) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:45 Continuous Testing at a Global Scale - Richard Freitag   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:00 ownCloud Tech Talk on Kubernetes Deployment, Performance, and Load Testing - Klaas Freitag (ownCloud)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:15 All good things come in threes - Jean-Marie de Boer   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:30 SCION based ScienceDMZ and fast file transfer for HPCCs - Francois Wirz (ETHZ)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:45 --- Lunch break ---
Visits (until 13:45) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
EFSS Products - Oliver Keeble (CERN) (until 15:30) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:00 Nextcloud. State of the nation - Frank Karlitschek   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:30 What's new in Seafile for 2023 - Jonathan Xu   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:00 ownCloud update and roadmap for the CS3 Community - Holger Dyroff Mr Holger Dyroff   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Services and Infrastructures -Dr Tilo Uwe Steiger (until 17:11) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:00 Community Site Report -- Summary - Dr. Tilo Steiger (ETH Zuerich)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:15 The S3 Object Storage Service on INFN Cloud - Dr Alessandro Costantini (INFN-CNAF)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:30 Publication of open research data with sync&share storage - Mr Andreas la Roi (ETH Zürich) Gianluca Caratsch (ETH Zürich)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:45 Sunet Drive - Sweden - Community Site Report - Magnus Andersson (SUNET) Richard Freitag   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
17:00 Federated Sync&Share - Enrico Signoretti   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
17:10 Combining NextCloud with Direct Access to dCache at DESY - Christian Voss   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
17:11 --- Break ---
Cloud Interoperability: Handling Data (GEANT SIG-CISS) - Mario Reale (until 18:50) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
17:30 Introduction to the GÈANT Community Programme - Ms Dawn Ng (GÉANT Association)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
17:40 GÉANT cloud services and research - David Heyns   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
17:50 The GRNET Cloud and the GRNET approach to hybrid - Panagiotis Louridas (Unknown)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
18:10 HEANet Development of a national shared storage service for active research data in Ireland - Roberto Sabatino (HEAnet)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
18:30 Bringing users’ data to the (super)computers at CSC - Kalle Happonen (CSC)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
18:50 --- Reception ---
12:45 --- Lunch break ---
Visits (until 13:45) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
FAIR Data Management - Pedro Ferreira (CERN) (until 15:15) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:00 Digital repositories for FAIR data management - Mr Lars Holm Nielsen (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:15 SND Doris and Sunet Drive - FAIR and sovereign data publication in a federated world - Richard Freitag Mr Stefan Jakobsson (Swedish National Dataservice)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:30 Seamless Integration of Data Sharing Repositories with High-Performance Computing Simulation Platform - Mr Taras Zhyhulin (Sano Centre for Computational Medicine)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:45 CERN Open Data - Pablo Saiz (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:00 Utilizing RDataFrame for Data Preservation and Open Publishing Data and Analyzes Software for HEP - Pawel Kruczkiewicz (AGH University of Krakow (PL))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:15 --- Coffee Break ---
Collaboration Products -Dr Tilo Uwe Steiger (until 17:20) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:40 Indico: an Open Source event management system - Adrian Mönnich (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:00 Unleash the Power of COOL: Seamless Integration, Cutting-Edge Features and Empowered Collaboration for your Documents - Mr Michael Meeks (Collabora Online)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:20 Refining document collaboration with ONLYOFFICE: when flexibility matters - Oleksiy Ivanov (OnlyOffice)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:40 Status Update of the no-code platform SeaTable - Christoph Dyllick-Brenzinger   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
17:00 Exploring Nextcloud Tables - Marcel Scherello   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
Visits (until 18:15) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:45 --- Lunch break ---
Technology Bricks: advanced integration - Hugo Gonzalez Labrador (CERN) (until 15:00) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
13:45 Open Data Lifecycle Management with Onedata - Dr Michał Orzechowski (AGH University of Science and Technology, Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH, Krakow, Poland)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:00 New iRODS APIs: Presenting as HTTP and S3 - Mr Justin James (iRODS Consortium)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:15 Utilizing large language models with free and open source software in EFSS while protecting digital sovereignty for Universities. - Micke Nordin (SUNET)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:30 Closed Domain QA System for LBL ScienceIT: Fine-Tuned and Retrieval Augmented Generation Models - Fengchen Liu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:45 Leaf.cloud - David Kohnstamm (The Good Cloud)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:00 Summary and Conclusions - Dr Tilo Uwe Steiger Guido Aben (SUNET) Jakub Moscicki (CERN) Massimo Lamanna (CERN) Ron Trompert   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Co-located GEANT SIG-CISS Meeting - Mario Reale (until 18:40) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:10 SIG-CISS Opening and plans for 2024 - Mario Reale   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:20 The GÉANT Community Programme: overview and updated strategy - Ms Dawn Ng (GÉANT Association)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:30 Activities and future plans for the Cloud workpackage WP4 of the GN5-1 project - Maria Ristkok (EENET)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:40 Updates from the CS3 community - Guido Aben (SUNET)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:55 Cloud update from CSC (FInland) - Dr Kalle Happonen (CSC)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
17:15 Cloud update from KIFU (Hungary) - Péter Molnár   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
17:35 --- break ---
17:45 Cloud update from SWITCH (Switzerland) - Bernard Landon (SWITCH)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
18:00 Development of a national shared storage service for active research data in Ireland - Roberto Sabatino (HEANet)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
18:15 eduMEET : new release 4.0 - Bartek Idzikowski (PSNC)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
18:35 Meeting closure - Mario Reale   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)