11–13 Mar 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

European Strategy for Data and the Resulting Landscape

13 Mar 2024, 09:00
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map


Presented by: European Commission

Topics of interest to the CS3 community:

Bird’s eye view on structure, objectives and scope of Europe’s Strategy for Data. The resulting the landscape of EC-supported incentives and projects is based on several pillars:

  • Scientific and research community: research and innovation actions (RIA), EOSC
  • Industry and public services: data spaces (DEP — Digital Europe Programme) for long-term standard operations
  • Flagship initiatives with high-societal impact: Destination Earth, AI4Europe,...

How this translates into services? New platforms are being launched in 2024, such as:

  • Copernicus Data Space
  • EOSC EU Node

Are these services supposed to be interoperable? What would be the role of SIMPL protocols?

What is the long term economic model and market incentives to ensure successful implementation of single market for data; B2G, G2B, B2B data sharing. How shall this happen?

What is the long-term strategy to ensure European competitiveness vis-a-vis established or emerging technology superpowers in other parts of the world? How can we be leveraging on the European assets and expertise to achieve this goal. Is European ICT infrastructure / technology / expertise also an asset (in addition to domain specific assets such as Weather Models)?

Presentation materials