11–13 Mar 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Trusted servers and MFA with OCM

12 Mar 2024, 11:35
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Lightning talk Interoperability: protocols, APIs, OpenCloudMesh (OCM) OpenCloudMesh Campfire


Micke Nordin (SUNET)


When data is sensitive, it is valuable to know who is accessing it. Multi factor authentication (MFA) aims to solve this by raising the level of assurance of an identity. We can implement MFA for a single EFSS system, but being able to signal requirements of MFA to other trusted systems, and having them honor these requirements, would be very useful.

We can implement this in two parts, one part is by having the EFSS system refuse to share to a non trusted EFSS system, this will be implementation dependent and not in scope of this discussion.

The other part is to add a capability to the OCM specification regarding MFA as well as a separate permission. The combination of these two additions to the specification will allow two EFSS systems to signal to other systems that they will honor the MFA requirements on a share, and conversely signal that a share can only be accessed by a multi factor authenticated user.

This lightning talk will highlight these ideas further and discuss these additions to the OCM specification.

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