11–13 Mar 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone


13 Mar 2024, 14:45
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Presentation Technology & Research Technology Bricks: advanced integration


David Kohnstamm (The Good Cloud)


The presentation focuses on the environmental impact of the technology industry, challenging the assumption that it is inherently eco-friendly. It highlights the significant carbon emissions from the tech sector, projected to triple by 2040 without intervention by the growth of AI. The content then shifts to the positive impacts of technology in various sectors like healthcare, education, and business. The main question posed is how to reduce the carbon footprint of digital technology without hindering its progressive capabilities. Solutions proposed include sustainable design, green engineering, and sustainable operations. Additionally, the presentation introduces an alternative, sustainable cloud solution that utilizes residual heat from servers for building heating locally, putting servers where the heat is used instead, this cuts costs per watt of installed IT by 5 to 10 times and saves the environment at the same. Offering an innovative approach to greenify the digital industry by offsetting natural gas use with server waste heat.


David Kohnstamm (The Good Cloud) Dennis Pennings (The Good Cloud)

Presentation materials