Technology Bricks: Testing and Resilience
- Ron Trompert
Sunet Drive is a national file storage infrastructure for universities and research institutions in Sweden. It is based on a Nextcloud Global Scale setup and is comprised of 54 nodes, one prepared for each institution. This setup ensures data sovereignty while being part of a larger federation, including the ScienceMesh for international collaboration. The setup is duplicated in a test...
We share experiences running the microservices-based ownCloud Infinte Scale software with many instances in a highly scalable virtual architecture.
The second part covers motivation, architecture and results of load testing with K6.
From the very beginning the sync&share services within the Online Data Services group at SURF have been designed with a view of moving them to a geo-distributed setup for extra resilience. In my talk, I will describe the initial design choices, the preparations and the actual steps taken to move a running service from a single datacenter to three datacenters without as much of one second of...
Today’s research often relies on a high volume of data. While
universities cannot always provide the computing resources
to process a given amount of data, a high-performance com-
puting cluster (HPCC) offers a cost-effective alternative for re -
With a SCION-based Science DMZ, the HPCC and each univer-
sity operate as independent autonomous system (AS), manag-
ing their own...