20–22 May 2024
Dallas Texas USA
America/Chicago timezone


We recommend the following hotels within the walking distance from the venue of the workshop.

The Beeman Hotel

Address: 6070 N Central Expy, Dallas, TX 75206 [website] [map]

Phone: +1(214) 750 6060

Rooms can be booked at a preferred rate of $159 + tax ($190 total) per night until May 6, 2024.  Provide the group code 0524LOOPFT to get the preferred rate.

In addition, participants can indicate their preference in the Indico registration form to share a room (2 persons per room) at $90 per night.

This hotel is conveniently located within walking distance of the SMU Department of Physics, shopping areas, Angelica Film Center, and the Mockingbird DART station, from which you can take a train to the Dallas Fort Worth airport and downtown Dallas. 

The Lumen

Address: 6101 Hillcrest Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 [website] [map]

Phone: +1 (214) 219 2400

This hotel offers rooms at $225+tax per night and is located in the close vicinity to Snider Plaza shopping area.