20–22 May 2024
Dallas Texas USA
America/Chicago timezone

Venue, local Information, maps


Our address is 3215 Daniel Ave. Dallas, TX 75205. Directions with Google Maps.

The conference takes place in the Fondren Science Building, located in room 123.

Locations of the workshop reception and dinner are indicated on this map.

The workshop venue and Beeman Hotel are accessible via public transit, so a rental car is not necessary or useful. 



Food and Coffee near the Fondren Science Building

Starbucks Coffee is located in Fondren Library and is open Tues-Friday 8 AM- 8 PM

Lunch options: 

The food court in Hughes-Trigg Student Center offers is open Mon-Fri 8 AM- 3 PM

Hillcrest Avenue and Snider Plaza have a variety of restaurants within a 5-10 minute walk 

Local Maps

Interactive SMU Campus Map (PDF)

Visitor Parking Map (PDF)

Local Airports

SMU can be reached from two airports:

Dallas Love Field Airport is served mostly by Southwest and other major airlines. It is located within a 20-minute ride by car, about $20 via Uber/Lyft, and about 1 hour by public transportation from SMU.

DFW International Airport is a major international airport, located between Dallas and Fort Worth. DFW is a 40-minute ride by car,  about $50 via Uber/Lyft, and a bit over 1 hour by public transportation  (DFW Dart Station to Mockingbird Station) from SMU. It is served by American, Delta, United, and a variety of other airlines.