12–14 Jun 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Recent progress on Bosonic HEFT: renormalization, matching and colliders

13 Jun 2024, 16:50
Aula Prodi - Complesso di S. Giovanni in Monte (Bologna)

Aula Prodi - Complesso di S. Giovanni in Monte


Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2 Bologna, Italy


Maria Jose Herrero Solans (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and IFT/UAM)


Some selected aspects of Bosonic HEFT with implications for multiple Higgs production at colliders will be presented. These include: 1) Recent progress on renormalization of 1PI functions and practical applications for specific processes at colliders, 2) The approach of matching UV theories to HEFT by identifying their predictions for amplitudes: the 2HDM case and its non-decoupling effects, 3) The search for sensitivities to Bosonic HEFT coefficients at colliders and the relevance of specific observables to explore potential correlations among those coefficients: the (kappaV, kappa2V) case.

Primary author

Maria Jose Herrero Solans (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and IFT/UAM)

Presentation materials