22–26 Jul 2024
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Black-hole ringdown and their progenitors: from numerical Relativity to tests of GR

22 Jul 2024, 14:45
Auditorium E10B

Auditorium E10B

Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)


Costantino Pacilio


Black-hole ringdowns from binary coalescences encode information about the final state of the remnant through their modes of oscillation, and about their progenitors through the degree of excitation of different modes. We present novel surrogate fits for the excitation amplitudes of black-hole ringdowns from quasi-circular binaries. They are calibrated to numerical relativity simulations and make use of parametric-free regression algorithms, which provide functional flexibility and automatic estimates of the fitting uncertainties. We apply our results to test the consistency of detected black-hole ringdowns with the predictions of GR and with the assumption of quasi-circularity.

Primary author

Costantino Pacilio

Presentation materials