22–26 Jul 2024
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Constraining 3-form dark energy models

24 Jul 2024, 11:40
Auditorium C.1

Auditorium C.1

Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)


Mariam Bouhmadi-López (Ikerbasque-University of the Basque Country)


In the present talk, we reanalise 3-form dark energy (DE) models. Those models are well known to have a phantom-like behaviour. In particular, they may lead to an abrupt late-time cosmological event which is known as the little sibling of the Big Rip (LSBR) much smoother than a Big Rip singularity. We will present cosmological constraints on the model using Planck, DESI, Pantheon+, SH0ES and DESY1. The combined dataset suggests a scenario where 3 form climbed the potential at 2<z<4, successfully bridging late time and early time datasets. As the result the infamous H_0 tension is relieved from 5 sigma in the LambdaCDM model to 3 sigma in the 3 form model, without sacrificing the sigma-8 tension.


Mariam Bouhmadi-López (Ikerbasque-University of the Basque Country)


C. Garcia Boiza H.-W. Chiang P. Chen X.-M. Huang

Presentation materials