3–5 Apr 2024
University of Glasgow
Europe/London timezone

The pole nature of the $\Lambda(1405)$: A lattice QCD calculation

4 Apr 2024, 11:00
Main building, Room 253 (University of Glasgow)

Main building, Room 253

University of Glasgow

Glasgow G12 8QQ Scotland


Barbara Alexandra Cid Mora


This talk presents results of the first coupled-channel meson-baryon $\pi\Sigma - \bar{K}N$ computation from lattice QCD in the $\Lambda(1405)$ region. Correlation functions were calculated using a single ensemble with pion mass $m_{\pi}= 200$ MeV and kaon mass $m_{\mathrm{K}}= 487$ MeV, and included single- and multi-hadron operators. Once the finite-volume energy spectra were reliably extracted, the Lüscher method was employed to study scattering amplitudes. The final results exhibited two poles in the complex energy plane of the two-channel $K$-matrix for all parametrizations used. Their locations correspond to a virtual bound state below $\Sigma\pi$ threshold and a resonance pole below the $N\bar{K}$.

Primary authors

Amy Nicholson (University of North Carolina) Andrew Hanlon (Brookhaven National Laboratory) André Walker-Loud (Berkeley National Laboratory) Barbara Alexandra Cid Mora Ben Hörz (Intel Deutschland GmbH) Colin Morningstar (Carnegie Mellon University) Daniel Mohler (Technische Universität Darmstadt) Fernando Romero-López (MIT) John Bulava (Ruhr Universitäat Bochum) Joseph Moscoso (University of North Carolina) Sarah Skinner (Carnegie Mellon University)

Presentation materials