3–5 Apr 2024
University of Glasgow
Europe/London timezone

Strangeness spectroscopy with Photoproduction Experiments

5 Apr 2024, 10:00
Main building, Room 253 (University of Glasgow)

Main building, Room 253

University of Glasgow

Glasgow G12 8QQ Scotland


Annika Thiel (University of Bonn (DE))


The spectrum of excited $\Sigma$ and $\Lambda$ states is sparse with only few additions from last decade. Recently, ideas are developed how to identify the missing states using polarized photons and polarized targets. Two differents experiments are currently investigating the measurement of polarization observables for hyperon photoproduction, the CBELSA/TAPS experiment at ELSA and the GlueX experiment at Jefferson Lab.
In this talk, I will present recent plans to perform polarized measurements of hyperons at the GlueX experiment at Jefferson Lab. In addition, I will show the prospects of a newly planned experiment at the ELSA accelerator in Bonn, Germany.

Primary author

Annika Thiel (University of Bonn (DE))

Presentation materials