3–5 Apr 2024
University of Glasgow
Europe/London timezone

Constraining the $\pi\Sigma - \bar{K}N$ models with the $\pi\Sigma$ photoproduction data

4 Apr 2024, 09:30
Main building, Room 253 (University of Glasgow)

Main building, Room 253

University of Glasgow

Glasgow G12 8QQ Scotland


Ales Cieply (Nuclear Physics Institute, Rez, Czechia)


The measurements of $\pi\Sigma$ mass distributions in the $\gamma p \rightarrow K^{+}\pi\Sigma$ photoproduction reaction [1] probe the energy region of the $\Lambda(1405)$ resonance, just below the $\bar{K}N$ threshold, and provide new challenges for the theoretical models of $\pi\Sigma - \bar{K}N$ coupled channels interactions. Adopting the photoproduction model presented in [2, 3] and the chirally motivated Prague model for $\bar{K}N$ interactions [4] we performed a first time attempt on a combined fit of the $K^{-}p$ low-energy data and the $\pi\Sigma$ photoproduction mass spectra, without fixing the meson-baryon rescattering amplitudes [5]. The achieved description of the photoproduction mass distributions represents a significant improvement when compared with the parameter free predictions made in [3] but remains inferior to a more comprehensive model presented in [6] that employs much larger set of adjustable parameters, some of them purely phenomenological. I will discuss our current results in view of further upgrades being made to the photoproduction kernel. Some deficiencies (or limitations) of the currently available experimental data used in our fits will be discussed as well.

[1] K. Moriya et al. (CLAS Collaboration), Phys. Rev. C 88 (2013) 045201.
[2] P.C. Bruns, arXiv:2012.11298 [nucl-th].
[3] P.C. Bruns, A. Cieplý, M. Mai, Phys. Rev. D 106 (2022) 074017.
[4] P.C. Bruns, A. Cieplý, Nucl. Phys. A 1019 (2022) 122378.
[5] A. Cieplý, P.C. Bruns, Nucl. Phys A 1043 (2024) 122819.
[6] S.X. Nakamura and D. Jido, PTEP 2014 (2014), 023D01; arXiv:1310.5768 [nucl-th].

Primary author

Ales Cieply (Nuclear Physics Institute, Rez, Czechia)

Presentation materials