Philip Nicholas Burrows
(University of Oxford (GB))
04/12/2023, 10:00
Hannah Wakeling
(John Adams Institute, Oxford University)
04/12/2023, 10:30
David Posthuma de Boer
04/12/2023, 10:50
Oliver Ettlinger
04/12/2023, 11:30
Warren Wang
04/12/2023, 11:50
Michael Backhouse
(Imperial College London)
04/12/2023, 12:10
Observation of electron energy loss in strong fields with Bayesian inference and model selection
Eva Los
(Imperial College)
04/12/2023, 12:30
Vittorio Bencini
(John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science (GB))
04/12/2023, 14:00
Bethany Spear
(University of Oxford/ JAI),
Bethany Spear
(University of Oxford (GB))
04/12/2023, 14:20
Alec Clapp
04/12/2023, 14:40
Matthew John Capstick
(University of Oxford (GB))
04/12/2023, 15:00
Florian Wolfgang Stummer
(University of London (GB))
04/12/2023, 15:50
Seb Wilkes
04/12/2023, 16:10