Exploring the effects of leptoquarks in the LFV muon decays

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Sala Gris II

Sala Gris II

Parallel Talk Flavour physics and neutrinos Flavour physics and neutrinos


Anjan Giri (IIT Hyderabad)


Neutrino oscillation in the matter could be affected by the sub-dominant, yet unknown, non-standard interactions (NSI). The observed shift in $\delta_{CP}$ value observed for NOvA in case of standard model (SM) and NSIs arising simultaneously from two different off-diagonal sectors, e−μ and e−τ could be attributed to the beyond standard model physics. We derive constraints on the NSI sectors using the combined datasets of NOνA and T2K. Our analysis reveals a significant impact that dual NSIs may have on the sensitivity of standard CP phase $\delta_{CP}$ and atmospheric mixing angle $\theta_{23}$. Here we assume that the presence of leptoquarks ($U_3$) to account for the apparent difference in the experimental observations of $\delta_{CP}$ measurement by NOvA and T2K using $\epsilon_{e\mu}$. Furthermore, using this input we obtain the Lepton Flavour violation (LFV) muon decay decay branching ratios: B(μ→eγ)≤10$^{−18}$, B(μ→eee)≤10$^{−21}$ and B(μ→e)Ti≤10$^{−19}$ which could be probed in the future experiments.

Primary authors

Anjan Giri (IIT Hyderabad) Barnali Brahma (IIT Hyderabad) Lopamudra Nayak (IIT Hyderabad)

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