Partial list of confirmed invited Plenary Speakers:
- Steve King (Southampton U.)
Alan Barr (University of Oxford)
Georg Weiglein (DESY)
- Wolfgang Altmanshofer (UC Santa Cruz)
- Wolfgang Rau (Triumf, Queens University)
- Michele Doro (University of Padova)
Geraldine Servant (DESY)
Riccardo Catena (Chalmers University of Technology)
Bruce Allen (Albert Einstein Institute, Max Planck)
Michael Ramsey Musolf (TDLI)
Vivian Poulin (Montpellier)
Concha Gonzalez-Garcia (ICREA, Stony Brook University)
- Diego Blas (ICREA-IFAE)
Benjamin Fuks (Sorbonne Université, LPTHE)
Gilberto Colangelo (University of Bern)
- Alvaro Herraez (Munich)
- Jenny List (DESY)
Round Table Discussion:
- Carlos Wagner (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Marcela Carena (Fermilab)
Karl Jakobs (Freiburg)
Greg Landsberg (Brown Univ.)
Antonio Delgado (Notre Dame)