Singlet-triplet scotogenic model and fermionic dark matter

14 Jun 2024, 12:20
Sala Gris II

Sala Gris II

Parallel Talk Dark matter, astroparticles and gravitational waves Joint Session: Flavour/Neutrinos/Dark Matter


Anirban Karan


Scotogenic models are phenomenologically very interesting as they generate neutrino masses through the mediation of $Z_2$-odd particles (which can serve as dark matter candidate) in loops. We have analysed singlet-triplet scotogenic model in the connection of direct detection possibility of the fermionic dark matter. This model appears compelling as it shows some SUSY-like behaviour without the introduction of SUSY. We consider several theoretical and experimental bounds on this model and study the effects of co-annihilation too. The mass of $Z_2$-even scalar (neutral and charged) plays an important role in the estimation of the dark matter relic density. We perform the analysis considering very heavy $Z_2$-even scalars relative to the Standard Model Higgs. Fermionic dark matter of mass below 60 GeV seems disfavoured in this model due to incompatibility of neutrino oscillation data with collider studies and bounds from charged lepton flavor violation. Fermion-fermion and fermion-scalar co-annihilations play complementary roles in terms of the direct detection possibility in different regions of the parameter-space.


Anirban Karan


Prof. Jose Valle (IFIC (CSIC – UV)) Soumya Sadhukhan (Ramakrishna Mission Residential College)

Presentation materials