We narrate dark matter, neutrino magnetic moment and mass in a Type-III radiative scenario. The Standard Model is enriched with three vector-like fermion triplets and two inert doublets to provide a suitable platform for the above phenomenological aspects. The inert scalars contribute to total relic density of dark matter in the Universe. Neutrino aspects are realized at one-loop with magnetic moment obtained through charged scalars, while neutrino mass gets contribution from charged and neutral scalars. Taking inert scalars up to 2 TeV and triplet fermion in few hundred TeV range, we obtain a common parameter space, compatible with experimental limits associated with both neutrino and dark matter sectors. We demonstrate that the model is able to provide neutrino magnetic moments in a wide range from $10^{-12}\mu_B$ to $10^{-10}\mu_B$, meeting the bounds of various experiments such as Super-K, TEXONO, Borexino and XENONnT.