Fermilab recent results on muon's anomalous magnetic moment, improves its precision measurement, resulting in a discrepancy from SM close to five sigma. This result tightens at least one corner of the Standard Model, which otherwise has also been stretched by allowing neutrino mixing. The above could represent a window where new physics can show its nature. The SM can be seen as an effective...
It is known that the model based on U(1)$_{L_\mu-L_\tau}$ gauge symmetry can explain not only the discrepancy between the measured value of muon $g-2$ and the theoretical prediction, but also the structure of the neutrino mass and mixings. We revisit the analysis of the mass matrix structure in the minimal U(1)$_{L_\mu-L_\tau}$ models based on the latest experimental result, where the minimal...
We discuss the thermal leptogenesis mechanism within the minimal gauged U(1)$_{L_\mu-L_\tau}$ model to explain the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe (BAU).
In such framework, the phases of the Pontecorvo–Maki–Nakagawa–Sakata neutrino mixing matrix and the sum of the Standard Model neutrino masses are predictable because of a restricted neutrino mass matrix structure. Additionally,...
We perform a global analysis of a vector-like extension of the Standard Model, which also features additional doublet and singlet scalars. The usual Yukawa interactions are forbidden in this setup by an extra U(1) global symmetry and the masses of the second and third family quarks and leptons are generated via the mixing with the vector-like sector. We identify three best-fit benchmark...
Flavor deconstruction refers to ultraviolet completions of the Standard Model where the gauge group is split into multiple factors under which fermions transform non-universally. We propose a mechanism for charging same-family fermions into different factors of a deconstructed gauge theory in a way that gauge anomalies are avoided. The mechanism relies in the inclusion of a strongly-coupled...
We present a new global analysis of the charged lepton flavor violating sector of low-energy and SM effective field theories, performing a global fit beyond the most common consideration of one operator at a time. We investigate how much present data is able to constrain the full parameter space, inspecting the potential flat directions that hinder this task, and discuss how the bounds...
The search for lepton flavour violation is regarded as one of the main roads in the quest for New Physics beyond the Standard Model. The MEG II experiment searches for the decay $\mu ^+ \rightarrow \textrm{e}^+ \gamma$ with the world's most intense continuous muon beam at the Paul Scherrer Institute and high-performance detectors, aiming at ten times higher sensitivity than the previous MEG...
We propose a method to explore the flavor structure of quarks and leptons with reinforcement learning, which is a type of machine learning. As a concrete model, we focus on the Froggatt-Nielsen model with $U(1)$ flavor symmetry. By training neural networks on the $U(1)$ charges of quarks and leptons, the agent finds 21 models to be consistent with experimentally measured masses and mixing...
We compute the one-loop contribution to the $\bar{\theta}$-parameter of an axion-like particle (ALP) with CP-odd derivative couplings. Its contribution to the neutron electric dipole moment is shown to be orders of magnitude larger than that stemming from the one-loop ALP contributions to the up- and down-quark electric and chromoelectric dipole moments. This strongly improves existing bounds...
This talk will present a one-loop UV/IR dictionary providing a mapping between the B-conserving dimension-6 SMEFT and the linear SM extensions. These are exotic multiplets that couple linearly to the SM through renormalisable interactions. Our work leverages recent progress in computational tools which automate the one-loop matching procedure. The utility of our map in assessing the...
We derive the complete set of one-loop renormalization-group equations (RGEs) for the operators up to dimension-six (dim-6) in the seesaw effective field theories (SEFTs). Two kinds of contributions to those RGEs are identified, one from double insertions of the dimension-five (dim-5) Weinberg operator and the other from single insertions of the tree-level dim-6 operators in the SEFTs. A...
After a brief introduction to neutrino electromagnetic properties, I will focus on the correlation between neutrino magnetic moment and neutrino mass mechanism. Then, I will discuss that the models that induce large neutrino magnetic moments while maintaining their small masses naturally also predict observable shifts in the charged lepton anomalous magnetic moment by showing that the...
Extensions of the Standard Model (SM) scalar sector featured in radiative neutrino mass models possess the ingredients for exotic thermal histories and rich possibilities for beyond SM physics. In this talk, we will explore the possibility of early Universe non-restoration of the $U(1)_Y$ gauge symmetry in the Zee-Babu neutrino mass generation model and the ways in which this phenomenology can...
The unique dimension-$5$ effective operator, $LLHH$, known as the Weinberg operator, generates tiny Majorana masses for neutrinos after electroweak spontaneous symmetry breaking. If there are new scalar multiplets that take vacuum expectation values (VEVs), they should not be far from the electroweak scale. Consequently, they may generate new dimension-$5$ Weinberg-like operators which in turn...
The existence of right-handed neutrinos (RHNs), or heavy neutral leptons (HNLs), is strongly motivated by the observation of small but finite neutrino masses and mixings. In this work, we have extended the Standard Model (SM) particle content with a pair of gauge-singlet fermions, which can be either Dirac or Majorana in nature. Adopting a model-independent effective field theory (EFT)...
Neutrino oscillation in the matter could be affected by the sub-dominant, yet unknown, non-standard interactions (NSI). The observed shift in $\delta_{CP}$ value observed for NOvA in case of standard model (SM) and NSIs arising simultaneously from two different off-diagonal sectors, e−μ and e−τ could be attributed to the beyond standard model physics. We derive constraints on the NSI sectors...