Big Science Business Forum Visits @ CERN

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
    • 1
      Speaker: Paolo Acunzo (BSBF Director)
    • 2
      BSBF Trieste 2024 presentation
      Speaker: Paolo Acunzo (BSBF Director)
    • 3
      Introduction to CERN (film)
    • 10:05
      Groups to be put in place and Transfer with guide to transport

      Please refer to attached file to find your GROUP and PROGRAM.
      A hard copy will be provided during the meeting.

      Each Group will be picked up by their dedicated "Group Guide" outside the Council Chamber. Please wait.

      10h05: Groups to be put in place
      10h10: Dep. for bus with guide
      10h15: Dep. bus

    • 10:15
      Visit to CERN facilities (SC, Data Center Visitor Point, LEIR, LMF180)

      Please refer to your specific program attached.

    • 13:30
      Lunch (self) in Restaurant 1 (main building)
    • 14:30
      End of Program