9–13 Dec 2024
Hotel Atrium - Vysoke Tatry
Europe/Bratislava timezone

Triggering Discoveries in High Energy Physics III will take place in High Tatras, Slovakia, between December 9th and December 13th of 2024. It will be hosted by the Institute of Physics of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss the role of triggering in enabling studies in high energy physics and astroparticle physics experiments, and in discussing the latest developments in the technical execution of triggers. The conference will be held at Atrium Hotel (Nový Smokovec). The conference covers both theory and experiment/observations in most actual and critical points. An important part of the conference will be extensive discussions. The workshop will be the 3rd in the series following the events in 2013 in Jammu and 2018 in Puebla.


Topics to discuss:


  • High Energy Physics - current results in theory and experiments
  • Triggering - current systems and upgrades
Hotel Atrium - Vysoke Tatry
Novy Smokovec 42, 062 01 Vysoke Tatry
Go to map

Please, note change of the date because of LHC shcedule modification.

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.