18–21 Apr 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

SeMPowisko 2024

Are you a student of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, computer science or other related subjects? Or are you not a student, but you want to listen to scientific and popular science talks in these fields? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, we invite you to conference SeMPowisko 2024!

This year’s, 22nd edition of our conference, will take place on April 18th–21st in a hybrid form – stationary at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science of JU and JU Auditorium Maximum in Kraków and remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform.

You can also follow our confernce page on Facebook.

30th Jubilee of SMP Studies

If you are a SMP graduate, you found the right place.  SeMPowisko 2024 is integrated with the inaugurations of the 30th jubilee of mathematical and natural sciences studies at JU (see the schedule for details). Just register as a participant for the conference, there will be a proper option in the registration form. This is a onec-in-a-lifetime occasion to meet other graduates.


Main registration is over. You can still register, but in case of stationary participants we can't guarantee that we will be able to provide you with conference materials and lunch (we will try).

>>> Click here for late registeration <<<

Participation in the jubilee is free.

Stationary participation in the rest of SeMPowisko conference may come with a fee up to 30pln (details will be given after the registration). Online participation is free of charge. All SMP graduates can participate in the conference free of charge.


We invite all the students to give a speech. This year you can choose between a long speech (LS, 25 minutes), a quick speech (QS, 15 minutes) and an express speech (ES, 10 minutes). There are limited places for long speeches, so we reserve the right to choose only the most appealing abstracts if there will be more participants than places.

Your presentation should fulfil the following conditions:

  1. The presentation should last for a maximum of 10 minutes (ES)/ 15 minutes (QS)/ 25 minutes (LS). At the end of your talk, we will provide 4 minutes (ES)/ 7 minutes (QS, LS) for questions.
  2. In the registration form, you should provide information about the title of your presentation and short abstract (300-1200 characters). Two main bibliography positions will be a nice addition, please post them in the “comments” field.
  3. Organisers reserve the right to reject your application if we will consider it to be unscientific or not popularising science. We might also reject your presentation if the number of participants will be too high. 

We will inform you via email about the acceptance of your abstract once the registration close.


On the third day of the conference, we will hold the poster session. We encourage you to create your poster and fill proper fields in the registration form.

Formal requirements for posters:

  1. The poster size should be no larger than A0 format, but no smaller than A2 format.
  2. Posters can be reviews or be based on original research.
  3. There is NO possibility to present an online poster.



12.01.2024 – start of registration

15.03.2024 22.03.2024 – end of registration

18.04.2024 – opening of the conference, WFAIS

19.04.2024 – the second day of the conference, WFAIS

20.04.2024 – the third day of the conference, Auditorium Maximum

21.04.2024 – the fourth day of the conference, WFAIS


WFAIS = Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Łojasiewicza 11

Auditorium Maximum, Krupnicza 33


Honorary Patronage of the Rector of the Jagiellonian University

Patrons, Sponsors, Cooperations

Jagiellonian University units:

This event is co financed by Bratniak (www.bratniak.krakow.pl)

Polish Academy of Sciences, branch in Kraków (krakow.pan.pl)

The Julia Programming Language (julialang.org)

Julia Language Logo

JuliaHub (juliahub.com)

Copernicus Center (copernicuscenter.edu.pl)

Polish Children's Fund (fundusz.org)

Planetarium - Silesian Science Park (planetarium.edu.pl)

MyGen Students Association JU, Maths Students Association JU, Astronomy Students Association JU


Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, prof. St. Łojasiewicza 11, Kraków